How do we Intentionally Practise Kindness and Forgiveness in Marriage? - Connect2

Episode 48

How do we Intentionally Practise Kindness and Forgiveness in Marriage?

Published on: 20th June, 2024

Habits. How do we practise kindness and forgiveness towards our spouse daily?  

“Your mind is like a garden. Your thoughts are like seeds. Choose kindness and forgiveness so you don't deal with weeds.” 

Tune in to this episode, where our guests Mario and Shalyn share about being quick to listen and slow to react, as well as what to do when we over-react.


Looking for helpful resources to navigate your marriage? Choose from a range of articles and podcasts covering topics such as communication, intimacy, conflict resolution. 

Visit and read more. 


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Welcome to the Connect2 marriage podcast by Focus on the Family Singapore!

Married life can be filled with twists and turns, especially with the day-to-day priorities, and stresses in life, including the times we run into conflict with our spouse.

No matter the state of your relationship today, we want to help your marriage thrive.

Join us as we figure out life and love together, and go deep into the conversations and questions (often unspoken) about the toughest topics on connection, intimacy and lifelong love.

While there are no perfect marriages, there is always room to grow to be the best spouse we can be. With practical tips, a whole lot of vulnerability and even a dose of humour, we hope that these episodes will provide hope and encouragement for your marriage.
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